Disagreement & Respect

Disagreement & Respect

The greatest concern in my ministry leader life right now is helping my church know what they believe and learn to articulate it with gentleness and respect. I may be holding onto the impossible, but it still seems doable to be clear about what you believe, but do it with kindness while remaining friends with those who see things differently than you do. 

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There is More to It.

There is More to It.

Welcome to the maiden voyage of my blog.

I never dreamed I’d do this. So it’s ok to ask “why.” Why am I doing this?  There are several reasons.  First, I’ve been encouraged to do this by people I trust who think I need to tell the “rest of the story” after I speak to the church each weekend.  But the second reason I’m doing this is probably the most compelling reason: I need a place to say things that couldn’t be said on Sunday, or things I hadn’t thought of until Monday, or just vent random thoughts that you may find interesting.

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